Experise to achieve efficiency on deign, operation and maintenance.
Technical Consultation
Complete technical management of complex, multi-million pound projects including delivery to the client.
We have structured our projects into logical groups, Contract Management, Technical Consulting, Marketing & Sales, Management & Board, Funding and Company Creation.
Below we address Technical Conultation.
Amongst the many aspects of a successful Project is Design Management. The technical management can and generally does maximise the benefit all round from the financial investment in a new product or project.
Incorrectly approached, design and associated technical review, or lack thereof, can rapidly cause major problems later in the operation and/or maintenance of a given product or engineered system. This not only affects the general day to day existence but the financial apsects as well. This can be both at the initial commissioning stage and thereafter for the serviceable life of the product or system.
What is Technical Consultation It is the acquisition of expertise not inherently available within an organisation. No organisation can justify retaining occasionally needed specialist expertise permantly. Therefore for many years, it has been customary for recognised specialists to provide their expertise to others in return for payment as required.
What we have described above is the principal behind the basic form of a simple consultation service. Save it so say, modern-day consultancies employ many specialists covering a wide variety of subjects. This is primarily because it makes good business sense to do so. Consider the possibility where, for example, 10 specialists are required on a project. It would be complicated to organise and manage 10 specialists from 10 different organisations. Therefore it is usual, in most cases, for one organisation to supply the required team of specialists with a principal that manages the team.
Whilst the unit cost may be more expensive it is infinitely more cost effective to retain these services only when and while required.
Managing design is a complex process and Questmoney can perform this service for either the Purchaser or the Providerin order to achieve a well thought-out overall design. When the independent aspects come together as whole they are successful. Furthermore, this technical function eliminates, as far as is practicable, any design that is not thoroughly investigated, tried and tested.
To perform this function requires considerable experience and knowledge. Performed correctly it generally results in arriving at a satisfactory conclusion that achieves the function that was originally specified.
Questmoney have performed these services by providing expertise and knowledge in the fields of M.E & C Engineering, IT hardware and software systems, Software Development, Manufacturing, Process and Process Controls and On shore/Off shore Engineering. RETURN